Make wood hydrophobic and oleophobic by impregnation with Care |
Treatment of wood by our Care-productsCare 1011 for wood Care 1040 for wood Care 1048 for wood The dry rot (Serpula lacrymans) is in Belgium a common attack on the wooden parts of the house. The cause of a fungus attack is a high humidity of the wood (at least 20%). For the development of the fungus the humidity is very important. Through the so called hyphae (the roots of the mushroom), the fluid is transported. These hyphae can spread over long distances, and even on walls and concrete surfaces. One can identify a deterioration of fungi when the (wet) wood is discolored and brown. The affected wood becomes soft (wood rot) and lose their standing beams, allowing the floors to sag. The wood may crack eventually, both along the grain of the wood, and perpendicular to the direction of the grain. To combat a fungus attack requires a lowering of the humidity of the wood. Blue Mold caused a black-blue discoloration in the wood. The disadvantages are purely aesthetic. This discoloration is most common in pine, spruce, beech and ramin. Fungi on the surface do not only grow on wood, but also on wallpaper, and gypsum board. They usually develop a fluffy layer and produce enormous spores in the form of powder. The disadvantages are mainly of aesthetic nature. For sensitive individuals, they can cause allergies and respiratory disorders. -Moss and algae are often the cause of an accelerated wear of wood. Algae’s, mosses and lichens needs a wet environment. An orientation to the north and a lot of shadow is the best environment for their development. It is true that organisms will develop more rapidly on more porous surfaces. The aesthetic aspect of the wood is destroyed. The surface is slippery which cause safety problems. A preventive treatment of materials will stop the development of mosses. Our Care products provide solutions for these problems, with water and oil repellency and/or anti-mold and anti-algae for wood. Care 1011 for wood Care 1040 for wood Care 1048 for wood